Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hyper-tension episode 2

Thanks to all for your lovely messages. Yesterday I met with the cardiologist, a real Bitch, sorry to say so. She was something like 1 hour and a half late thats fine because most of the time doctors are late, when I entered her office she was on the phone ordering her cooker the menu he had to prepare for dinner during 15 mins!!!! Ok fine then she was calling people to talk about whatever bullshit while I was waiting in front of her. Finally she noticed me and took my tension. It was 14 still a bit high. No wonder, I was stressed the whole day. I was stressed because I am still not quite sure I will be allowed to take some holidays, another story! She started to told me that I would have to take a treatment all my life because it can be dangerous blah blah... and prescribed me medecines and some anxiolitic to calm me down!!!!! She gave me an appointment to do the heart scan on friday but I won't go. She stressed me even more. Now I have insomnia which NEVER EVER happened to me, I used to sleep as a marmot. Anyway I called my GP (doctor) in Paris who treat me since I am 10 and he told me that it is fine as long as I am between 13 and 14, to relax myself and he will see me in July (hopefully I will be able to take some leave). He told me that it is probably the stress because he did not recall any hyper-tension in my medical record. He was very nice and told me not to worry too much for the time being. Back in paris I will have to do the heart scan and some more medical checks....Mission life I am telling you not easy to cope with on everyday basis. I am very glad that I have a nice group of friends who are always there, merci la famille Abidjannaise.
Bisous a tous.
fatou xxx

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I spend 3 days in hospital (again!) but this time it was not for food poisoning but for high blood pressure. I did not feel well for the last weeks and was very tired so I went twice to see the doctor last monday and tuesday. She was worried because my tension was quite high for my age, I had 14. She gave me a treatment and adviced me to do some blood testing in order to diagnose what I was suffering from. On tuesday afternoon I left work and went home as I felt very dizzy and weak. I slept the whole day, wednesday I was still feeling sick so my nice friends (Special big up to Molly and Sory, Thanks buddies ;)) brought me to hospital. When I arrived there, the doctor took my tension and could not believe that it could be so high so he asked other doctors to take it, tried several times on my two arms. My tension was up to 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Straight away they did an electrocardiogram to check my heart and decided to hospitalise me for three days. They did a series of blood testings, chest x-ray ect.... I am FINE just got anemia. I was so down I slept none stop for almost 4 entire days! When I left hospital on friday my tension had already decreased to 12,8. I stayed the whole WE home sleeping, watching DVDs and had 3 days sick leave. I was on intravenous drip (IV) (sous perfusion) and on the last night at hospital, I do not know how, but the IV's tube broke and my blood burst out everywhere. I suddenly woke up and saw the bed full of blood, press the emergency button and the nurse came to save me lol!. Later I though what would have happened if I had not woke up???? Better not thinking of it!
Tomorrow I have to do a heart scan just to be sure that everything is fine.
I think I was just extremely tired and stressed but now I am feeling well. I will take it easy! Soon I will be on holidays for almost a month. Hope to see some of you in Paris.
Je vous embrasse bien fort
fatou xxx

Friday, June 08, 2007

Rainy Season

Mes amis,
How are you? First of all I wanted to congratulate my friend Juliette who is now registered as Madame Juliette F épouse Nicolas! C'est vraiment super, suis contente pour toi bella, dommage que je n'étais pas parmi vous.....snif snif ;(
Everything is fine here, the rainy season has started, such a shitty depressing! It is raining all day and night long with thunder and lightning. Many areas are floaded, houses destroyed, trees and electrical pillars fell down. As it was not enough, mosquitos are extremelly active! meaning that my arms and legs are covered by mosquito bites , very itchy. I have to be careful not to catch malaria actually as I am not taking any kind of preventive treatment ;( The only positive thing is that consequently the temperature went down. You won't believe me but today I am freezing, I even borrow the shawl of my colleague! Tomorrow I'll bring a cardigan or a jumper. Maybe I am exagerating a bit but seriously it is a bit cold compare to what it used to be.
Did I tell you before that I am taking capoiera lessons twice a week and african dance once a week?. I love it, I got already my first belt in capoiera. It is a very interesting sport as it is a mix betwen dance and martial art with some music performing and singing . Tonight I am invited to a Crêpe/Galette party, that's my favourite meal, yay! Merci Seb! I still do not know what I will do on the WE, it will be improvisation as usual. I got a report to finish so I will be mostly stuck at home boo!
Aiss cream la bombasse enjoy NYC! My ladybird j'espère que tu as plus la pêche, Selectom I am crossing my fingers for you ;) Maman alias Funky Suze bon rétablissement, Nono enjoy your free time, Emilie merci pour les ptits comments qui font tjrs zizir!
Je vous embrasse tous bien fort.
PS: I got my camera back yay!