Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Toutes les bonnes choses ont une fin...

Hello my dear friends,
How are you? I am fine back in Abidjan since 2 weeks. I have spent almost a month on holidays, was great. I went to the south of France (Salvergues, Beziers, La Mausse, Carcasonnes, Minerves...) and Spain (Figuerres, cities on the Costa Brava and Barcelona). It was really fun, we had wonderful weather. It was a mix of cultural visits, farniente and parties: just what I needed. Then I went back to Paris for a week where I went to doctors yek! I am fine no hyper tension anymore, still have to be carefully and take it easy! I met my friends as well as for coffees, lunches, drinks, dinners...
Now I am in Abidjan and my mum is here with me which is nice. We went to Bassam, visited the Basilica in Yamoussoukro it is Amazing! spent the last WE in Assinie, visited the crocodiles farms and swam in the ocean. I brought her to hairdresser, beauty-salon, she took djembe lessons every afternoons, did some shopping as well of course!
At work it is quite as it is still summer holidays.
I was glad to had the opportunity to spend some precious time with you guys.
Take care
Je vous embrasse tous bien fort.
fatou xxx
PS: ma ptite Laurette je pense bien a toi et a ton ptit coeur aussi, Dobrina j'espere etre la pour l'accouchement, bon courage au nouveau Duc des Lombards.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Vives les vacances

Desole les amis de ne plus vous donner de nouvelles mais je suis en vacances....Promis des mon retour je continue les updates sur la CI.
Bisous a tous and enjoy your holidays
fatou xxx