Monday, November 12, 2007

On my way to the Wild Wild West

Dear Friends,
Long time.
Here attached pictures of the lovely elements of Banbatt (Bangladeshi Battalion) who drove me to Yamoussoukro last week end. I went to visit friends in the West of Côte d'Ivoire and they gave me a lift. I was travelling at the back of the jeep! Very funny. They were very nice people.
Apart from that everything is fine here, I have just renewed my contrat for another 6 months! C'est reparti pour un tour comme on dit! We'll see what will be next.
I will move out from my flat at the end of the month, so I am looking for another place to live at the moment. I am planning to share a house with a friend of mine, Nadia, who just have been redeployed to Abidjan. I spent my saturday visiting houses, did not find anything interesting. As you know I am really picky so I guess it will take some time before finding our dream house.
Hope all is fine for you. Unfortunately I won't be able to come back for Christmas but hope sometime in 2008.
Take care.
Je vous embrasse
fatou xxx