Thursday, May 21, 2009

What happened in Camp-Perrin stays in Camp-Perrin 1

What happened in Camp-Perrin stays in Camp-Perrin 2


Latest news

Ciao les potes,
Long time. I am used to my life in Port-au-Prince after almost 2 months. I still have not moved into MY house, I know that it is weird. But actually we did not take the house we were supposed to, we found an even better one. So next week I will be able to move in I am so excited. The house is gonna be opposite to the Brasilian center where I am doing capoiera. Yeah I found a capoiera class twice a week. I even register to a gym so I am doing sports everyday. I will be so fit!
For the long week-end of the 1st of May I went to Jacmel, south-east with friends, it was very nice. We had nice lobsters on the beach. We stayed in this old colonial-style hotel called Florita. We also went to the concert of Sweet Micky a famous haitian singer of compas. Last monday was off so I went with other friends to Camp-Perrin, south. The family of one of my frend has a house there, it was very relaxing. We visited Les Cayes and Port-Salut as well. Despite the shitty weather we had fun. It was raining like hell which created huge floods. It is always nice to be out of Port-au-Prince....
Hope you are doing well.
fatou xxx

Tuesday, May 05, 2009