Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back to Mama Africa

Honey Bunnies,
How are you today? I am fine.
I am still in Abidjan. Work is very interesting, I am doing investigations on specific Human rights abuses (very nice to be out of the office and meet with people) and writting reports on Human Rights violations as well. I like writting as you may have noticed so i really enjoy it. Now I am almost fully equipped, will have soon a professional mobile.
Here we are mixed between civilian staff and miliary staff, so you can imagine that there is no gender balance, Boye you will be dying here as you are very concerned about it Lol! I would say it is 70 per cent men! The atmosphere is generally nice. We have a sport center I have not been yet but I heard that there is a Gym and some aerobics and even yoga classes Yay! I might try the yoga, i do not think it is Bikram Yoga as the country is already pretty hot so no need to sweat more in doing the half moon posture, A KILLER believe me!!! There is a nice cafeteriat as well, they have already noticed me because I am always asking if there is meat in the sauce and if the vegetables have been cooked with the meat or separately. Once the Chef has even prepared an omelet especially for me because there were no vegetarian dishes available that day. I know I am a real pain ask my mom or Tom selecta they will tell you!!!!
It is very nice to be back to the Motherland, back to the Roots lol!!! No but seriously, it is a real experience for me to be living in Africa and be surrounded mostly by black people. It might sound ridiculous but I dont know if you have ever been in a place where you are the only one who got a different skin colour. In Europe I am used to it, I can not even notice that we have a different skin color my friends but here I notice that everybody got the same skin color! I know it does not mean anything for us but in certain places it is a source/cause of discrimination. It is very nice to see another way of life, with very strong values such as the respect of the elderly, the importance of the family and the tradition, the happiness in people's look especially children they are so cute even if there is poverty, war, the constant hope people have and the strong belief in a better future. You should come to visit!! There is also very nice beaches!!!
I have to take pictures to show you a bit of the country, on the WE I will.
Time for me to continue on my report so I leave you here for now.
Take care.
fatou xxx
PS: Mark I know that is you who is spamming my blog and signing with the name of Boye and Pubudu!!!!!!! lol ;)
Answer from my mom so cute: Ma Chère Fatou Souviens toi pendant notre séjour à Boundiali (au nord de la Côte d'ivoire) tu es allé au marché avec une amie alors que tu n'avais que 4 ans, tu es rentrée en courant à la maison et tu m'as dit "maman ils sont tous noirs ici, est ce que nous sommes aussi des noirs?"23 ans + tard la même question!!!Maman Apparently during a trip in Cote d Ivoire when I was 4 yrs old I have asked my mom if we were also black like the others, 23 yrs later I got the same reflexion!!!


Anonymous said...

Ma Chère Fatou
Souviens toi pendant notre séjour à Boundiali (au nord de la Côte d'ivoire) tu es allé au marché avec une amie alors que tu n'avais que 4 ans, tu es rentrée en courant à la maison et tu m'as dit "maman ils sont tous noirs ici, est ce que nous sommes aussi des noirs?"
23 ans + tard la même question!!!

Anonymous said...

J'ai bien aime tes impressions et je pense qu'on se retrouve un peu tous dans ton histoire et c'est vrai qu'il n'y rien de tel que de se retrouver "incognito" dans la rue et de ne pas avoir un tant soit peu l'impression de faire "tache" :-\
Ceci dit apprecies ton sejour et profites pleinement de l'experience... Roland

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!