Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Half Moon Posture in Accra

Cheries Cocos,
On dit quoi? For me it is all good as Pubudu will say. I went a WE in Ghana, Accra with some workmates. It was great, very refreshing. Accra is a beautiful city well organised and clean. It is amazing how anglophone cities are well strucutred and the population disciplined. We walk around the city, went to art centre, market, beach and hairdresser for Sory!
We went out on saturday evening, was very nice it was mainly reggae-dancehall, Pull up Selecta!!!!!!!!!!! The way people were dancing I felt like I was in Kingston Jamaica, it was H-O-T!
I am back in Abidjan, the weather is nice and hot. The work is interesting and I am learning a lot. I dont remember if I have told you that before but actually I will be based in Abidjan. I am happy about that ;) Now I have to look for a flat ;(.
Hope you are all fine.
More later........................
fatou xxx


Anonymous said...

Est ce possible de faire des pains au chocolat en même temps que la position de la demi lune?
Tu me diras, ça m'interesse...
bisous la boulangerie

Alexandra said...

Bomjour Fatou,

Merci pour votre message, il n´y a pas de problème à cause de portugais du Brésil, les choses que j´ai écrit en français son les mêmes que j´ai écrit en Portugais car je ne savais pas quel langue vous parliez.J´ai aimé ton blog aussi, il est très interessant et amusant.
Bises du Brèsil

Anonymous said...

Salut Fatou!

je vois que tu t'éclates bien!!

Et je suppose que tu es soulagée de rester "à la ville" où tes tenues - j'en suis sûre - feront le plus grand effet! ;-P

Ici les nuages,la pluie et la température de 20C max. ont refait leur apparition! Vivement les vacances (plus que 3 jours à tenir :-))

Gros bisous Fat & KEEP THE GOOD VIBE...

ps: t'as pas croisé Manu Chao?

Anonymous said...


It sounds as though you're having a blast. I love your blog.. Did you get my last email?


Anonymous said...

Hey Fatou ! C'est l'extase totale à ce que je vois ! Super la photo sur le bateau. 1001 bisous.

Anonymous said...

I still think about you living so far away in Ankara,Ghana it drives me wako.
When you think of the Hague, do you think of your sweet little munchkin Pubudu? I promise I have not touched a woman since you left, or, coming to think of it, since the 10th grade.
Miss me like I miss you?
Your sunshine,