Friday, September 29, 2006

A week in Paris

It is so nice to be home for a while. I had forgotten how Paris (I like to call it Paname) is such a great city!!!! I have been walking around the city, having sun bath in parks, having drinks en terrasse with my friends, shopping with my mom. I am glad I was able to meet most of my friends but I still have to meet more next week. I am just relaxing and taking life very very very easy...SO GOOOOOOOOOOD.
Je pense bien a vous "ma famille Abidjanaise" bientot vous retrouverez le "faites chier" habituel!!! ;) (c est un smiley)! Allez les gars courage.
Tommorrow I will go to my friend's wedding, will be brilliant. She is the first friend who is getting married I am so excited.
On monday I will go to Den Haag for couple of days to remember the old good times there.
Hope you are all feeling well and happy.
fatou xxx

Paname encore et encore

Paname Paname

Les potes de Paname

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Alerte Rouge/Red Alert

Chers Amis,
(FR version) J’espère que tout va bien pour vous. De mon côté ça va beaucoup mieux, en effet j’ai été hospitalisée durant 3 jours et 4 jours d'arret maladie suite à une intoxication alimentaire. Ça fait partie de la vie de mission après tout !!!!!Après la journée à la playa nous avons été 6 personnes sur les 25 à être hospitalisés. Sûrement que nous avons mangé quelque chose qui n’était pas frais…..maintenant j’ai vraiment peur de manger ….régime forcé c’est bon pour la ligne remarque! Merci encore pour les coups de fils et encouragements ça m’a beaucoup aidé j’ai vraiment eut envie de démissionner à un moment et rentrer (ok c’est vrai des fois j’en fais un peu trop mais je suis une DIVA lol!!!). En ce moment il y a un grave scandale ici, je ne sais pas si vous en avez entendu parler mais courant Août un bateau provenant de Russie à amener des déchets toxiques qui ont été déversés dans plusieurs décharges publique d’Abidjan. On ne sait pas encore de quels types de déchets il s’agit mais déjà 5 personnes en sont mortes et des milliers sont hospitalisées et souffrent de troubles respiratoires, brûlures cutanées, maux de gorges, picotements des yeux et autres……les hôpitaux sont débordés il n’y a déjà plus assez de médicaments disponibles en pharmacie…et le nombre de malades augmentent de jours en jours. Ce sont principalement les quartiers populaires qui sont touchés, il y a d’ailleurs eut pas mal de manifestations pour protester contre le gouvernement qui a démissionné en bloc mercredi dernier. Il est conseillé de ne pas ouvrir les fenêtres et de rester dehors le moins possible. Il y a des odeurs dans toute la ville due à ces déchets toxiques….la situation est critique.
(ENG version) I was just saying that I was hospitalised during 3 days and had 4 days of sick leave for food poisoning. That it part of the life in mission I guess!!!! After the day at the beach 6 people out of 25 have been hospitalised. Now I am very scared to eat anything…. forced diet good to fight against cellulite and fat! Thanks again for phone calls and nice words it helped a lot because at some point I just wanted to resign and go back seriously (I know I am a bit too much Drama Queen sometimes but I am a DIVA lol!!!). There is a scandal at the moment here I don’t know if you have heard it but in August a boat from Russia brought toxic wastes which were dumped in different areas in Abidjan. We do not know what kind of chemicals it is but already 5 people died and thousands are suffering from chest infections, skin irritations, sore throat, dizziness and more….the hospitals are too crowed to treat everybody and there are not enough drugs for all…the number of contaminated people is just growing everyday. The cases reported are mainly in the poor neighbourhoods. A funny smell is surrounding the whole city. We are required to stay home with the windows closed and avoid as much as possible to go out….following the demonstrations by the population the government resigned last Wednesday …. the situation is serious.
fatou xxx

Monday, September 04, 2006

WE in Assinie Mafia....playiiiiia

WE in Assinie the crocodiles farm

re L' Appart

Beautiful People,
I hope you all had a wonderful WE. Mine was good. Saturday, I spend the whole day cleaning the new flat. I had taken the saturday off to move so I woke up early had breakfast and went with Marie (she is the cleaning lady where I used to stay) to the new flat. I am so glad that Marie came with me because I just wanted to cry, seriously. We arrived, there was no water!!!!! Not very easy to clean without water. Finally we managed to get water and later it came back (it was a general water cut in the neighbourhood). Then the electricy cut, at that point I was about to MOVE OUT and look for a new place to live! I have left at least 15 missed calls to Christel, the estate agent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(she might think I am crazy). Finally, everything went back to order. I am very grateful to Marie for all her help I could not have done it without her. When we finished I was EXHAUSTED, this cleaning business just killed me. In the evening I had dinner in the flat with Farice (a friend working in Conduct and Discipline Unit) and Sory (I have already introduced him) then Cheick (another friend who is living in the 1st floor of my building and also work with me in Public Information Unit) came with his wife and sister-in-law for a drink. It was very nice to have people around in MY PLACE! I am very happy with my flat even if I still have water cuts. Hope you will come now that I have space to host you my friends.
On Sunday I went to Assinie Mafia (1h30 away from Abidjan) on the coast. Was great, we visited a crocodiles farm with many other creatures! and swam in the Ocean. So nice I felt like I was on holidays! We will go when you'll come....Vamos a la playa oh oh oh oh oh....
Lots of Hugs
fatou xxx

L' Appart