Monday, May 14, 2007

What happened in the previous weeks...

Long time! I know, I am still alive and everything is fine.
Workwise it is fine, still the same, busy between reports, meetings, missions ect...
My social life has been quite busy thanks to my lovely group of friends that I call " la colo";) I have named it (actually Selecta Tom named it) as such as I feel like we are in a summer camp always go out in big groups ect... funny lol!
I went to nice concerts of Senegalese artists: Youssou N'Dour last week and Ismael Lo on saturday. Both were different but very nice, in terms of "performance scenique" I prefered Youssou because it is more lively and his musicians and dancers are amazing. I prefered the songs of Ismael Lo, I could feel more emotion even if I do not understand a word of Wolof but still...Abidjan is great for that because there is always nice concerts.
I went couple of times in a club called "Parker place" located in Zone 4 where they have live reggae on WE. So cool, bonne vibes!
I also spent a WE in Assinie, beach area, in the house of friends of a friend. It is fantastic to wake up on a sunday morning with the sound of the waves...Paradis.
I attended a football tournament starting at 6am!!! to support the ONUCI dream team (picture above). They did not win but it was fun. I was in charge of taking care of their bags, taking pictures of them and bringing them water GREAT JOB!!!!!! next time they will ask me to do massages, no way lol! On top of it I received the ball in the head, what a nice day!
A friend of mine who is taking flight lessons invited me to fly with him. It was AMAZING because the aircraft is small and we were not very high so we could see the all Abidjan from the air. I really loved it was sooooo beautiful, we were flying above the beach and the city centre of Abidjan. I saw my home, my work and other different spots where I am used to go from the air which gave another angle of view.
Thursday evening i have seen the movie " Blood Diamonds" I know it is an old movie for you. I loved it very nice landscape and the story good even if it is a bit too much "Hollywood". After the moovie I was dying to travel backpacking all over the world lol! I know what you are going to think, I am too diva for that! Seriously I would like to do it.
I hope you are all fine. Sorry if I stay several weeks without giving news...send me your news I always love to read you guys, I always answer even if it can take several weeks sometimes. Still do not have a camera which is very annoying cannot really post pictures, will have to ask friends to send some and share it with you.
Je vous embrasse bien fort.
fatou xoxo
PS: Bon retablissement maman, Aiss cream attention avec tes AX faudra pas les faire tomber dans une cascade comme a Kribi lol! Nono de DH, Emilie de Blx qu'est ce que vous devenez?Juliette qqs semaines avant le jour-j ca va pas trop stressee? Selecta Tom derniere ligne droite tiens bon pour la semaine, LS how is Beirut?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Coucou Fat, contente d'avoir enfin de tes nouvelles! toi, et à un match de foot en plus, et à 6am, j'aurais voulu voir ça!
Tu trouves pas que Di Carpaccio il est pas mal du tout dans ce fim? Autant, j'aime pas les blondinets, mais là, j'aurais pas craché dessus! LOL

RAS ici - sauf que j'ai prévu mes vacances... 3 semaines en Thailande cet été :-) j'ai trop hâte!!

Enormes bisous & j'attends de tes nvelles par email ;-)