Party peole,
Yesterday all the roads in the city were blocked, les Jeunes Patriotes had made roadblocks to protest against the "audiences foraines". The "audiences foraines" are mobile courts held to give identification papers to the people because losts of persons (about 3 millions) dont have birth certificate or ID so they cannot be registered and be able to vote. All staff members were required to stay at home for security reasons and listen to the motorola walkie talkie radio that we have, to keep informed on the evolution of the situation. It was a bit weird to hear all those security messages on the radio, I had never experienced that before. So I stayed the whole day home watching TV, sleeping, doing some laundry ect...nothing very exciting. I was very tired from last week so it was perfect to rest a bit.
We were all calling each other to enquire about what we were doing....absolutely nada and we were not allowed to go out. I was on the phone with Christian and he was telling me "It is 35 degrees in the Hague at the moment, we would be better in Scheveningen than stuck in our rooms", indeed!!!!
I was also thinking of Leroy in Beirut, Aurelie in Kinshasa and Hich in Nepal, we are all in conflict areas at the moment. Good luck to the three of you and BE REALLY CAREFUL, PRUDENCE PRUDENCE PRUDENCE!
The roadblocks were lifted yesterday at the end of the day so today everything is back to normal. It is very strange because from one day to another the situation can changed very quickly. Sometines I have the feeling that I am in a movie and that it is not real but no this is the reality. I am very fine, I was not scared at all yesterday as I did not see anything specific in my neighbourhood.
That are the latest news. Life just goes on......and on WE people will just go out A LA RUE PRINCESSE OH and COUPEZ DECALLEZ IL FAUT EQUILIBRER lol!
fatou xxx
Salut Ma petite Fat,
Tu es très courageuse n'aies pas peur tout s'arrangera. Il faut bien écouter les consignes. Aies confiance en toi. Dieu te protègera
Salut Ma petite Fat,
Tu es très courageuse n'aies pas peur tout s'arrangera. Il faut bien écouter les consignes. Aies confiance en toi. Dieu te protègera
Coucou Fat,
désolée de ne pas donner de nouvelles plus souvent mais je garde un oeil sur toi... ;-)
et les photos promises? ça serait cool que tu en prennes de ton appart'...pour qu'on ait une idée de ta vie là-bas.
ici c la canicule, c la folie! tu es partie au bon moment!
fais bien attention à toi!
enormes bisous & je t'envoie 1 email c promis rapidement
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!
Thanks Fatou for your thoughts...
All is well, so far, in Kinshasa. The results of the elections will be coming up very soon and we'll see how it goes!!!
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