Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Big Brother is watching you.......Who's Who?????????

Some of my colleagues.


Anonymous said...

None of your colleagues can even hold a candle to me, nifty little Pubudu. Have you told them about me? I mean us? *raises coffee mug in triumph*
This is message to Fatou's colleagues: lay off.

Anonymous said...

PUBUDU, what the hell are you talking about? she was never with you! are you dreaming or something? Fatou was MY (Boye's) girlfriend. Everyone knows it. A little note to Fatou's colleagues: please ignore Pubudu's e-mail and back off Fatou, she is mine.

Anonymous said...

In your dreams....

fatou said...

Mark you are C-R-A-Z-Y!

Anonymous said...

Hey Fatou! I wont tell ANYBODY about that one night we spent together.

Love Mark (aka BIG BOY)

Anonymous said...

and I think you meant L-A-Z-Y
not Crazy...

fatou said...

I really mean M-A-D!!!!!!! don't you have work to do at ICC guys???????? I wonder lol!
Anyway nice to see that you have a great sense of humor and good imagination!

Anonymous said...

Deam Fatou - -

Do you really get around this much are all these guys in a DREAM??... You seem so shy and reserved here in ABJ ... : )

We may have to begin an INVESTIGATION ...