Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Debriefing from the mission in Yamoussoukro

I went a week in mission in Yamoussoukro with Nazzarena (she will be the head of our Human Rights Office in Yamoussoukro) and Allassane (our driver). We went there to set up the field office and meet our colleagues. The office is based in a military camp of the French militaries from the Genie Civil (engineers). Yamoussoukro is a nice city quite huge but empty. I mean there is not a lot of people and no much to do....most of our colleagues there are now playing golf to beat boredom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Careful Tiger Wood the competion will become tight!
There are massive avenues same size as the Champs Elysees in Paris. The presidential palace is huge there is even a crocodile lake. The former president Felix Houphouet Boigny wanted to have a beautiful city he even build the replica of the basilica St Pierre of Rome with gold.
The only problem I had was a bad stomach ache during 2 days. I think I was food poisonned. I cannot stand fish anymore, I had too much of it: poisson braise (grilled fish). Because of my narrow mindness towards food it becomes difficult to find suitable food for me! I will survive hey hey la la la la la!
Yesterday with my friend Sory (he is a very nice guy working in the budget department) we went for dinner in a place next to my house (yeah I am staying at somebody's house while the person is away on leave it is a huge villa with a swimming pool yay!, will send pictures) called La Gourmandise and guess what they have the best crepes (pancakes), gallette bretonne and gauffres (waffles) of the whole Abidjan! I was so HAPPY to have dinner there, you cannot imagine, you know me I just LOVE CREPES that is my favourite!
The general situation is quiet at the moment but was very bad last week in Grand Bassam (beach area near Abidjan) and Divo (South Bandama region) in total 5 persons died and several others were injuried. Many things were burnt out.
Hope you are all well and happy.
Lots of Hugs
fatou xxx


Anonymous said...

Hi Diva, nice to know that you are ok, enjoying your mission even if sometimes is not so easy to feel at ease in a such situation. Hold fast! The presence of people like you, fighting for human rights, is a hope for the future of milions of people all over in the world. Don't worry, your stomach will adjust; your courage and determination are stronger than it.
Take care and be carefull; sometimes the border line between courage and rashness is difficult to detect.
A big hug Diva.

Alexandra said...

Bonjour/Bom dia Fatou!!!

J´ai aimé ton blogger, il est très interessant!!!Super!!!
Adorei seu blogger, ele é muito interessante!!!ótimo!!!
Bisous/ beijos